Finding the Perfect Desk Ratio for your Hybrid Workplace
Hybrid workplace

Finding the Perfect Desk Ratio for your Hybrid Workplace

July 8, 2024

In the evolving landscape of workplace culture, hybrid work environments are quickly becoming the new normal. As companies adapt to a blend of remote and office-based work, finding the optimal desk ratio becomes crucial for maximizing space efficiency and accommodating varying employee needs. However, allocation of alternative spaces becomes even more important, which poses the question; what ratio of ‘space’ does my hybrid workplace need?

Understanding Hybrid Work Dynamics

Hybrid work models offer flexibility by allowing employees to divide their time between remote work and in-office collaboration. This shift demands a strategic approach to desk and alternative space allocation to ensure that the physical office remains productive hubs rather than underutilized facilities.

3 Pillars to the workplace

At Nura Space, we believe there are 3 pillars to define the workplace; Cultural, Social and Productivity. For as long as the ‘office’ has been around, ‘Productivity’ has been the single most important pillar of the workplace and has been where every minute of ‘work’ has been undertaken. How times have changed! In recent decades, Cultural has been the second pillar to form, as organizations actively turn their brand values onto their employees, trying to attract and retain the best talent in their local. More recently the social Pillar has solidified, as ‘personal connections’ dominate the statistics of Millennials and Gen Zs.  

What we are experiencing is the re-definition of the workplace, from a typically Productivity dominated place, to one of more balance. Understanding and defining your organization's workplace will help provide context for the spatial decisions and investments made.

Factors Influencing space Ratio

  1. Employee Schedules: Analyzing when and how frequently employees come to the office helps determine how many desks are needed on any given day. This may be on a departmental, team or even location-based level.
  1. Task-Based Needs: Different tasks may require different workspace configurations. For instance, confidential tasks might require more acoustic meeting rooms, while individual tasks might benefit from workstations.  
  1. Peak Utilization: Identifying peak usage times allows for efficient scheduling of desk and room bookings, preventing overcrowding during popular hours is vital to the comfort of the workplace. Implementing different strategies, such as Team Charters or Team Days, can assist in ironing out the typically busy mid-week periods. Remember, on any given day approximately 15% of staff are on Leave (sick or planned), and so 85% is your 100%.
  1. Space Utilization Analytics: Leveraging workplace analytics provides insights into real-time space usage, enabling adjustments in desk allocations and spatial ratios based on actual demand rather than assumptions. Survey data tells us that once a workplace is at 85-90% occupancy it ‘feels’ full – aiming for higher than this might not be realistic.  

Benefits of Workplace Management Platforms

Nura Space plays a pivotal role in our customers' workplace strategy, in managing and delivering their workplace with low friction and high accessibility.  

  • Bringing People Together: Employees can reserve desks based on their schedule, ensuring they have a workspace when they need it.
  • Integrations: With a growing list of integration partners, Nura Space is further embedding the end user experience into the built environment. While also delivering efficiency and saving time for administrators.
  • Analytics: Real-time and retrospective analytics help administrators monitor utilization trends and even prediction on spatial usage, allowing for proactive adjustments in space allocation, fast decision making and a more resilient business.
  • Cost Savings: A hybrid workplace strategy should save the organization on their leasing commitments, which in turn should reduce OPEX. The overall cost savings are dependent on the amount of shared space; however, it is not common for a Nura Space customer to reduce their overall m3 by 40% or more.  

Creating a Tailored Experience

As hybrid work environments continue to shape the future of work, space ratios play a critical role in balancing flexibility, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. With Nura Space's comprehensive platform for desk booking, meeting room reservation, carpark booking, and workplace analytics, companies can navigate the complexities of hybrid work seamlessly, ensuring that every workspace contributes to a productive and dynamic workplace culture.

Incorporating these strategies not only optimizes physical space but also supports employee well-being and organizational agility, setting the stage for success in the era of hybrid work.

For more insights on maximizing your hybrid work environment, explore how Nura Space can transform your workplace today. Visit our website to discover more about the benefits of a unified working platform


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